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Nigh sweats

Hello all,

I was diagnosed one year ago, woth 65k wbc and 27% bcr-abl, 100% philadelphia with 3 cromosome translocated (3, 9, 22). At the time of diagnostication, the only symptom I had were night sweats: I was changing even 3 soaking wet tshirts on ome night. I was put on Sprycel wich brought my into hematological remision (6k wbc) in 2 weeks. Also, the night sweats stopped. Bcr-abl droped down quite nicely: 0,32% after 3 months, 0,074% adter 6 months and 0,06% after 9 months. Since starting treatment, i also had some random nights with small night chills (one tshirt a little wet, without having to change it) but for a week now I start to have more. I wake up at 3-4h almost every night with my head and forehead wet and in the shoulder and chest area. Seems this simptom is coming again and I m afraid not to indicate that the remision is not going away. Sprycel was good with me, with only some fatigue and some manageable bone pain every now abd then. Can you please tell me if you had experienced something like this? Could it indicate that the desease is coming back? 

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