UK Patients and Carers Day 2015
Download Presentations and/or watch Videos from the 2015 meeting here
Anything offering guidance on how and where to find some more help and support if you need it
Download Presentations and/or watch Videos from the 2015 meeting here
Over the years we have found that people can benefit from reading about other peoples experiences with CML. This page lists a number of books that have been recommended by our members.
If you or someone you know has just been diagnosed with CML, based on our own experience, we think you might find these sections of our site helpful.
In this section
Here is a list of important questions you may find it helpful to ask your Haematology Consultant
You can discover your CML diagnosis in all manner of ways but there are some common patterns many of our members report.
Our Resources section is where we gather useful listings, organisations and content from across the web together in one place.
In this section