I had my first experience yesterday. There was a lot of talk from waiting patients about the new "electric drill" approach which is apparently less painful. I opted for gas and air, and the pain was momentary and identical to a dentist's drill. Whereas the procedure was not particularly painful, I have felt drained and achy since. Has anyone felt these after effects?
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Bone marrow aspirate and trephine biospy
I get my bone marrow tomorrow. Very anxious cause everyone says it’s so painful. I have always heard this. I say give me the drugs:)
Relax, it will be easier than you think. A lot depends on the skill of the medical person doing it.
I now do the BMB without sedation. An anti anxiety pill and a pain killer work perfectly. Much easier. No big deal. No after effects.
I was afraid before my first bone marrow procedure and opted for sedation. A tiny bit uncomfortable but the dentist is much worse. I did have a slight problem afterwards, muscle pain in buttock and hip. Something had been pushed the wrong way. It resolved in about 5 days. Took a while for the sedation to wear off but I had just been hospitalized with the Leukemia..CML diagnosis so I was in bed getting over the shock of the diagnosis.
The next time as an outpatient I did not want to wait for an appointment for the sedation, so, with Onc approval I took a pain killer and an anti anxiety pill and had the BMB. Skilled nurse, fast and easy. tiny bit uncomfortable. No problems afterwards with post sedation.
All this at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. I will not bother with sedation for the next time. And I have a low pain threshold. It will be easier than you anticipate. Let us know how it goes. Good luck 👍 Gitel
Hi Dawn,
I've had a few done. Try not to get too worked up about the expectation of it. I have had mine only under local anesthetic and while they are not a barrel of laughs, I'd take one over a tooth extraction any day of the week. If you can manage a tooth being taken out, the BMA will be a breeze.
My one top tip is to avoid chairs with a hard back for a few days. It's very easy to forget and sit down on one, which can be a bit sore.
Hello Dawn
It would be better not to sit with chatty patients while you wait (as I did). I opted for "gas and air" which involves sucking air in from a tube. I felt almost nothing apart from a "drilling pain" for about four seconds! I have to say that I felt lousy yesterday afternoon and evening (tired and a little knocked about) but a little over 24 hours later, I am back to normal evening. The procedure is a doddle really. They tell you not drive if you opt for gas and air.
Hi Dawn, I had my first test while I was in hospital the day after diagnosis. I had a local anaesthetic.The only advice I would give you is take someone in with you to hold your hand ,keep still but don’t tense up try and relax and if you have an iPod use it to take your mind off it.I felt a bit bruised for a day or so but it didn’t bruise and then it gets a bit itchy as the tiny mark heals.Its a bit unpleasant but nothing you can’t cope with ,I didn’t have any other after effects .So good luck try not to worry too much.Much love to my fellow CML er .Denise .
So I had the bone marrow test done today at University of Miami. I was surprised when I opted for mild sedation that they had to use a scan prior to the doctor doing the test. Oh boy more radiation. Next time I quess I will do it without sedation. It actually though was quite easy. Sharp pain quickly two times and that was it. Now I am just sore. Now the medicine was ordered last week but it seems to be taking time. Does it always? She wants to start me on Dasatnib 100 mg. Anybody else start with that one? I still have no idea on price either. Ironic or just plain sad ready for retirement and my money drains:) Just trying to be silly. I know what I have to do. As my son says I am strong, I will kick this in the ....😀
Hi Dawn
Glad the biopsy is over. One less thing to worry about :)
my husband started as well on Sprycel ( dasatinib). He pays nothing right now anyway because Norvatis the drug manufacturer offers a free copay card, if you have private insurance. Your doctor’s office or specialty pharmacy should be able to set this up for you I hope. We also had to wait for the medicine to arrive ,but only for the first time. Now the next month’s dose arrives before he runs out and it’s delivered to our home .
common side effects are definitely headaches , esp first few days , so make sure you drink lots of water as it does help, and fatigue.
Best wishes Louise