Ive been on sprycel for 6 months. PCR test is 0.05. when i first diagnosed i had a eye floater that was directed with cml. Today my eye floater came back and im stess that my cml is returned or if this is the first sign of that. I had my blood work last week and everything was great. Need answers Thank you. I have been drinking alcohol more then i should and im worried this is the why everything is happening
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Sprycel 100mg Help with returning of an a eye floater
I thought eye floaters were related to the retina. When I had them, and they stayed, I was sent to an ophthalmologist who found I had a slight tear in the retina. part of aging. They had healed. However, floaters which remain can be a serious serious sign of eye damage. If they stay it would be wise to see an ophthalmologist. A detached retina is not good. Blindness can result.
Hi Gitel,
It sounds like I had similar problems to you. CML made me lose quite a lot of eyesight - I couldn't see things in the centre of my vision very well. For example, I could not read text on a screen or book. The retinas had haemorrhaged. Bits of the retina floated off, and caused floaters - which remain to this day. I have often tried to count them, but as you know this is virtually impossible as you try to count them your eye moves and it all shakes up! However, it's not too bad and I don't notice them until ones in the left eye and right eye both overlap as I focus on one thing.
It took about 4 or 5 months for my retinas to heal and my vision is now excellent again, bar the floaters.
You can undergo a procedure called a vitrectomy to remove the floaters, but this isn't without risks so I didn't even consider it.
Hi everyone thanks for getting back to me on this. I went to the emergency room for this and they recently told them that this was a vitreous hemorrhag. I was trying to see if anyone has gone though this as well. What did they have to do? What was the later out come? For me I’m worried this has to do with my cml coming back. I’m only 25 and I had this hemorrhag when they found my cml 6 months ago.
How common this is with CML I do not know. Ask your Onc, but do see an ophthalmologist who knows about the retina. Floaters do appear when the ball of fluid in your eye separates from the retina. In serious cases in the US it is treated with laser surgery. In some cases, mine, it heals itself. My floaters appeared years ago. I do know that if the floaters are not dealt with and get worse you can lose your sight. Check it out with opthamologist and Onc. Gitel