So I read that it is very important to do thyroid testing when on TKI’s. Is this true? Also not to eat pomegranates. Sometimes I have the juice.The article really stressed the thyroid issue. I can’t believe I am having such a hard time absorbing all the info. I am a nurse!!! My brain seems totally fogged!! I took a leave or maybe retired when I was diagnosed. Anyway I am amazed at everyone’s knowledge and hope I reach that level of comprehension soon!!!
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It takes a long time, months for me, to absorb all the information on CML. Even if you are someone used to technical and medical reading, trying to understand info, through the shock and haze of the diagnosis is hard work. It does get easier as the months go by. This group is a support and blessing. Gitel
The pomegranate worry comes up fairly frequently. But it's not really a concern.
"In vitro and animal pharmacokinetic data support the possibility of CYP3A4/CYP2C9 inhibition by pomegranate juice; however, the human relevance for drug-drug interaction was not established based on the limited case studies."
i.e. in theory it could cause a problem, but in practice it doesn't.
The National CML society website is where I read the information.
Yes, TKIs can mess with thyroid hormones, especially for those who are on replacement therapy. And despite what my first Dr insisted, those changes can occur rapidly. I had my thyroid removed on 2000 and began taking Sprycel in early May. I’ve had to increase my levothyroxine dosage over 10% to keep my thyroid levels on target.
Here are a couple of items to review
Additionally, calcium interferes with uptake of levothyroxine and should be taken at least 4 hours after. Sprycel requires stomach acid to work. Antacids should be taken a couple of hours before or after Sprycel and acid inhibitors (Zantac, etc) should be discontinued entirely. So, if you quit taking Zantac and start taking Tums you need to be careful that you don’t take it too close to either Sprycel or the levothyroxine.