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Chilblains x CML


Hello everyone, 

New to this forum. :)

I have had CML for about two years and I noticed that I have developed Chilblains. Chilblains is when you are exposed to the cold and/or damp it may damage tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the skin, resulting in redness, blisters, itching, and inflammation. The itching, swelling, and blistering red patches may occur on the toes, fingers, ears, and nose. I have had it on my feet but now it's on my fingers and they are quite swollen. 

I realized I only started getting this around the time my doctors believed my CML had most likely developed. Has anyone else had this experience? It may be just me, but I wanted to reach out just in case this has happened to others too. 

Thank you!!


Hi and welcome,

You need to keep your extremities warm and try to keep the blood flow going- this means massage and exercise might help. Keep warm and try not to expose your skin to extremes of temperature- especially at night. You may have suffered/suffer from low hgb - anaemia - which may be why you noticed this as a problem on the lead up to diagnosis. 
