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Hair loss


Hi I’ve been on Imatinib for a month now and have found my hair is really thinning. Right at the front and back of my head. I have 2 patches with very little hair. It is not as obvious to others yet but I’m really struggling and not sleeping. 

Has anyone else had this, I’m told it will settle after 6 months. I’m not sure I will have any hair left!

Will it grow back? How long will it keep falling out for? Are their any wig specialists who can help? Or something any of you have tried that could help me get through this. I’m really struggling with my hair. 

Thanks HKB

Thanks for this; not sure if this helps but you have struck a chord. I was on 400mg imatinib for 10+ years, reduced to 200mg least year maintained MMR, and stopped about 7 weeks ago. My hairline had been receding over the 10 years, and I had not associated that with imatinib; I thought it was just something that happened to guys in their 50's. I had my hair cut this week and was surprised how well and thick it looked. Perhaps the imatinib has been having an impact, and it is now improving since I stopped taking the pills. 

Had my first PCR since stopping 10 days ago; I'm not stressing about the result. If there is an issue my consultant will be in touch, and I'm seeing him again mid January.

HKB, sorry if this says to you that my experience may have shown a longer term impact of imatinib on hair, but keep taking the pills, and I hope your PCR keeps going in the right direction.