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Shingles, (A Painful Xmas present from me to Myself).

Hello My Name is Stewart Bliss,

I've posted on the forum page once before, when my ALT was raised, whilst I was taking Nilotinib..Hopefully that issue has been resolved by my Essex based Consultant reducing my dosage.

I would like to ask the Readers another fairly straightforward question please..

I have just spent a few painful days 'battling' Shingles..

Anyone else been subjected to this painful condition? 

I looked on two US websites, and there seems to be conflicting information, on the safety of being inoculated against this

'dastardly'( but not life threatening) condition whilst suffering from CML.

Obviously I will ask my Consultant/GP for advice, but it's a pretty unpleasant surprise, and I don't know if CML patients have a

'compromised' immune system.

However anyone like me 'of advanced years' is at risk of contracting this condition, so immunisation may be the 'way to go'?







My Ex had shingles on scalp and was advised not to fly with me on a trip.  After it went away, was able to take the two shot preventative system.  I was going to do this also but was told not to by my doctor at MD Anderson.  Very small patch but I was informed constantly how painful it was.

