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Dose reduction

Wishing everyone a happy New Year with a wish for world peace and a cure for CML in 2019.

Just to say that as I have been holding at MR4 since Sept 2016 and on 300mgs imatinib from June 2017 I have this weekend, with my haem's blessing, reduced my dose to 200mgs. If I hold MMR+ at this level for one year I shall be hoping to stop treatment. I shall be having bloods taken every 6 weeks at least for the first 6 months. My hane wants me to wait for this one year on 200mgs to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Some may remember that I "failed" DESTINY in Month 12 on  200mgs imatnib when my PCR went up to 0.6% and had to go back on 400mgs so this is the second attempt for me.



Happy New Year to you too! I hope your plans go well to eventually try for Treatment Free Remission again. Good luck with everything!