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Random night sweat

Good morning all it’s 04:30 am and I’ve woken from a nightmare and some night sweat. I’ve been under a fair amount of anxiety and emotional stress of late due to my diagnosis and wondered if this could be the cause of this. I had these for a little while prior to my diagnosis and got a little freaked out just now hence the reason for my message. I’d not had one since then.

I am currently on Nilotinib and I am 8 months into treatment with my 6 month PCR at 0.7%. I see that night sweats are a common side effect of this drug but wondered if I should be concerned and maybe speak to my consultant. No other noticeable symptoms. Should I wait to see if this is a “one off”? I no longer have monthly blood monitoring since I hit a 2 log reduction with my next PCR annual test in April results in May.

Thank you all


Hi Alex,

Nightmares can definitely cause night sweats. Intense emotions cause our adrenalin to increase and we can have a fight or fight response in our bodies. Ii have experienced this before with nightmares. Anxiety and stress can also create intense physical responses.

Since you don't go in for an appointment until spring, I personally would still contact the medical person you see and ask about it to be sure you are not overlooking anything of medical concern. I think it is always better to rule out medical concerns when it involves physical symptoms first before assuming it is emotional. 

Hopefully, your medication for 8 months is working well for you and is doing the job it is suppose to. If it says nigh sweats can be a side effect then that could be all that is going on. but I would still check it out with the medical person you see.

But, I have had nightmares in my life and woke up with night sweats even many years ago.


Hi Kali

Many thanks for taking the time to respond to me.

Yes I’ve been under a fair amount of stress for a couple of months and so thought maybe this was a physical response to it.

When I got the night sweats before diagnosis they really freaked me out but soon after starting medication they stopped. This is the first since diagnosis and seeing as I no longer have the monthly tests I guess the not knowing is having an affect on my mind. But to be sure I will call my consultant and if a blood test is necessary then so be it. Hopefully if they do the test I’ll be given the result there and then.

Thanks for your reply


An update. I called my consultant and I told him and asked if I could come in for a blood count. He said no you really have nothing to worry about night sweats can occur for a multitude of reasons. He said that I’ve been responding excellently and my last blood count was perfect. He said I am on a long 5 year recovery and what I shouldn’t do is panic at every little change in my body. He said it could be a viral infection coming on and I mentioned about my emotional anxiety and confirmed it could also be this. He said TKIs work and this will never be a problem for me. So much confidence I thought but so reassuring to here from him...

Anyways I’ve booked an appointment with my counsellor to talk about things and I am being proactive to stay on top of things.

Thanks all. Going to take sometime away from here for a bit.


I am glad to read your update about speaking with your consultant and got reassurance about the night sweats. It sounds like you are doing really well. That is always good news to hear. Take care.