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Bcr/abl ratio is 25%

I did my bone marrow biopsy and it shows 1% blast and no marrow fibrosis. When i did my bcr/abl test is shows transcript ratio is 25% what does this mean? I am on dasatinib for a month now.

Ros, did you have BCRABL  test at diagnosis? If so please tell us that answer. The guidelines state that optimal response is below 10% 3 months after diagnosis, although there are many people here who have been in MMR for years who didn't make the guidelines for 3 months or 12 months (like me 11 years ago, but the guideline didn't exist then!). If you click the patient info above, the bottom option which comes up is treatment guidelines, which explains this.

Assuming you started like most people in the region of 70-100%, this is I think an entirely acceptable first result. Key thing is the long term trend goes down, but you do get occasional blips which can cause worry and then relief when the nest test re-established the trend.

Hope this helps

Assuming a month ago you started first line dasatinib treatment - having a bcr-abl test result of 25% is good progress. What was your FISH result? FISH measures actual CML cells under the microscope. In early treatment it is the first test that should be done and tracked until it goes to zero. Then PCR (bcr-abl) is more meaningful.

Also - the presence of blasts (1% in your case) may suggest your vitamin D level is low. Consider having your vitamin D blood level checked and if below 30, supplement (w/ vitamin D3).

You are in the early stages of treatment. Your blood system is adjusting in a major way by replacing your leukemic cells with normal ones. Watch your blood counts closely during this time. It is very typical for myelosuppression to set in as leukemic cells are killed off more quickly than the body can replace them with normal ones. Dasatnib is a potent suppresive agent. You should be having weekly CBC blood tests to track your blood counts until you are stable and your response to the drug is known.