With the promising studies showing patients remaining undetectable after stopping treatment of TKIs, I wanted to find out about lowering my dosage since I've been undetectable for 3 years now. I spoke to my doctor today about these studies, but he said that he isn't willing to try anything other than the standard of care. (I've only seen this dr. twice due to my insurance changing and no longer being able to see my original doctor). While I can understand his reluctance, I am disappointed. While I am thankful for TKIs and the significance of being able to treat CML with a pill a day, I wish I didn't have to deal with the side effects, even though mine are not as bad as some people experience. (I miss having energy and more hair and could do with a lot less diarrhea).
The article linked above is the article I am referring to about reducing dosage. (I am having trouble formatting in this forum and am unable to cut and paste to move the link into the proper position).