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Running and CML



I am new here with CML disgnosed on 27.4.2018

I was wondering are there any runners here?

Running is important part of my life for last 5 years since I was diagnosed with CML ,  I am not sure if I can continue with my regular trainings.

Is it allowed, can you do it, how far, how fast....are there any many question but from my doctor no straight answer.

Currenty I am on Imatinib 400 feeling great ,like nothing is wrong with me.

All blood results are back to normal.

It feels really strange when you know are sick but feel just perfectly normal.




Run until you can't run any longer. I started on 600 mg Tasigna almost 2 years ago - first year was pretty rough with multiple side effects, but I never stopped my workouts.  I think it's more important that ever for us CML'ers to be as fit as possible and stick to a healthy diet.

Hi pai5zg,
Running is also part of my life and since I was diagnosed CML (April 2017) I reduced a bit but still not giving it up. I am convinced that running had an influence in getting good results (now I'm on MR 4.5)
I am practicing trail running on the Alps: I live in Milan and being on weekends on the mountains is great.
This year I run a few competitions always crossing the finish line, incl 45 km with 3000m D+, i.e. staying out there 7-8 hours.
It is fantastic to be able to continue despite CML. Nevertheless, I would like to improve my records. Now I keep my weight under control, I need to rest more and for sure I'm slower. My main concern is to stay motivated and get out of the home door for training and the competitions set my goals.
I would love to share advice on how to improve: Imatinib is taking haemaglobin low.
Can anyone share his experience?


I put you guys at the top of my list ! You are amazing that you keep going. I'm a bodybuilder and since I got CML I have tried to lift weights just to keep in shape but my muscles get way too sore just from one workout. I'm sore for 7-10 days and I do physical work 5 days a week so I need my body to pay the bills . I am at a loss of words and hope you guys do your best and I'll pray for you to be your best but for now between the CML and Gleevec and the Sarcoidosis I'm just too tired and too weak to lift weights anymore. The most excersize I get is my job and I go for a bike ride with my Wife and Daughter and Son in Law a couple times a week . I just wish I could figure myself out so I could get back to my normal self which is 235lbs at 6-8% bodyfat . I'm 240lbs at 16% bodyfat right now and its depressing . I can't even look at myself in the mirror. 

Anyway I hope and pray for you guys and wish you nothing but the best and maybe share your diet secrets on what you eat that helps out with energy .