My husband was diagnosed with CML at the end of February this year. His blast level was at 8%. He is 48.
Our local Consultant put him on Nilotinib and his initial response was great and the white cell count reduced reduced week on week for a month. Then the platelets and neutrophils dropped below the safe level and it was necessary to take a treatment break. His consultant restarted treatment after they improved but had to stop again for several weeks for the same reason. All of a sudden the symptoms of cml returned and his spleen grew big again, he felt wretched. We saw another consultant as ours was away and he restarted it again.he ended up on a break again for the same reason and before he could change TKIs he had a blood test that gave concern and he was called in for Bone marrow biopsy which confirmed he has gone into a Blast Crisis. He was rushed into the oncology centre of the nearest major hospital and is still there nearly two weeks later. He’s being treated with high dose Imatinib, anti - everything drugs and various minerals etc. They had to slightly reduce the Imatinib because his kidneys started to struggle, and they are are supporting his various systems with whatever is needed on a day to day basis. His neutrophils are getting better but we really need to have a long talk with the top dog about what’s next, as yesterday one of the junior doctors said he may be well enough to go home in the next day or two. Typically top dog is going on holiday for two weeks now!
The hospital have done another Bone Marrow Biopsy and are awaiting its results for mutations.
We are under no illusion regarding the position he is in and have researched how it’s not a great prognosis. We have spoken about Bone MarrowTransplant and they are tissue typing his brother. His other medical issues mean that they are very twitchy about he being a good candidate for one.
Anyone offer any advice as to things we should be asking/ doing?
Anyone know why exactly Blast Crisis has a poor survival rate at 5yrs?
Anyone offer any ideas?