Hi Everyone
My haem has just phoned me regarding my latest PCR results from blood taken at my GP's 2 weeks ago. I went down onto 300mgs imatinib one year ago after being at MR4 for one year before that. My levels have been gradually rising since then losing MR4( or so I thought according to our hospital raw results). I was expecting him to say that I had now lost MMR and should return to full dose (as happened when he called me when I failed DESTINY on half dose) but the opposite. The lab has now started giving IS results and it appears I have never lost MR4 as the local hospital's results had indicated, had held MR4 since Oct 2016 and my latest result is 0.0055% . I am delighted as I was completely resigned to having to return to full dose Other patients asked me why I didn't go back on full dose with the rises from 0.001% - 0.011% and I answered that I was waiting to see when or if my results plateaued. I am so pleased I held my nerve!! Here comes a glass of wine!
A year or two ago I had had a talk with the head of our hospital genetics lab about why they weren't using IS and she replied that as everyone starts at a different level of PCR ( mine was 43% 9 years ago on dx) she felt it was a more accurate picture of the individual patient's CML progress than the assumption of IS that everyone was dx at 100%. I am now pleased to see she has moved onto IS - as my results look much steadier.
I would appreciate comments by those of you on here who understand the IS vs non IS debate better then me as I wonder why she has decided to make the change. I will ask her when I next see her. My haem and the head of our genetics lab give yearly talks to the genetics BSc and MSc students on using genetics for dx, treatment and prognosis- and they have included me for the past 2 years as a real patient so I can tell my "story" and emphasise how essential it is to us patients that results are accurate and delivered on time and the emotional rollercoaster so many of us go through while waiting.
Feeling elated and will ask to move down to 200mgs at my next phone appt in October with a view to TFR.
Best to everyone