Keeping the CML Support forum ticking over is one of the most important things we do on this site to benefit all our members.
As you may have noticed, we have seen a large increase in spam over the last few months. Ultimately, spam management is an arms race - we develop better defences, but the spammers still find a way around them. We are investing in even more anti-spam measures over the next couple of months with the view to be able to allow new members to join without manual approval.
But the best anti-spam measures in the world are our own users. So perhaps this is where you could come in?
Wanted: volunteers who would be willing to be moderators of this forum.
What would I need to do?: Not a massive amount. You'd use the site as normal, but if and when you encounter a spam message you would have an additional button available to you to delete (or more technically, "unpublish") the offending message. That's it.
We are still investigating exactly how this will work, but that's the basic gist. Give our trusted and regular posters the ability to help us provide a little oversight.
If you would be interested to find out more - with absolutely no obligation at all at this stage - please let me know in this thread.
PS. These updates to the site will be alongside a suite of upgrades including private messaging (which we know is a frequently requested feature), better ways to monitor the posts and topics of most interest to you, among other updates. If you have any comments, or web site feature requests we'd love to hear about your ideas too.