I am from Dublin, Ireland, and I was diagnosed in February of this year, and I'm attending Beaumont Hospital in the CKB unit, in the beginning it was weekly appointments and now I go monthly for basic bloods and an update. So far I've been on Imatinib 400mg, my wbc is back within range, a little low sometimes but the docs are happy with it.
I had a bone marrow biopsy in February to confirm I had CML and then again in May to see how the meds were working. When I went for the results the docs said it wasn't a good sample so they had to do another (so 3 in total !!). Having received the results it seems the meds are only partially working, so had more blood tests and getting the results this week. The doctor said it should only mean that I have to change to another drug, which is a bit annoying as I didn't have bad side effects just the normal exhaustion, and having to change what I eat as it caused acid indigestion.
On Facebook support groups people are mentioning their BCR results but I have never received them from the hospital all I get is the blood works, is this normal for Ireland or should they be able to provide it to me?