Hello, I am new to your forum and was wondering if anyone else has suffered from severe bone pain while taking any of the TKI's. I was dx July 2005 and initally started on imatanib 600 mg (can't remember if it was once or twice a day). I was PCRU after a about 6 months and continued to stay that way for another year then my numbers began rising. They switched me to dasatanib 50mg and after a couple of months I was once again PCRU and have been ever since. Unfortunately I have had a couple of very bad side effects from both meds. I have nausea quite often and I suffer from very severe bone pain. I had to go out on disability at the end of 2007 due to the bone pain and the effects from the pain meds I was on. I had been missing too much work. I have been seeing a pain management specialist in 2008 and have had to continue taking narcotic pain meds. The meds reduce to pain to somewhat tolerable levels but nothing gets rid of it. Over the years I have tried many different appoaches to try to reduce the pain but nothing really seems to help much (either it doesn't work at all or it works for a while and then stops). The pain is like what a rotting toothache feels like. A very deep aching which mostly affects the larger bones in my body (femur, hip bones, shoulder blades for example) but can also affect smaller bones. I went to the hospital several times with chest pain. After checking out my heart in every possible way, it was determined that the pain was coming from my ribs and sternum.
I am beyond frustrated and so tired of being in pain. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, have you found anything that helps?
Thank you,