People are still dying of this disease and they should not be. Sad story.
Bride Dies of Cancer Moments Before Her Wedding in the Hospital
This is a sad story. The media is very adept at jerkin an emotion
out of the reader for attention.
I happen to know that in China the TKI’s they take are not the same
that the people in Western Countries take. In China anyone can become a
drug manufacture. And there are plenty. One on every corner.
You can buy Dasatinib, Imatinib, , Nilotinib, and all the others, mail order by the pound
This poor woman may not have been treated with Medical Quality TKIs.
The kind we get here with all the expense and oversight.
Now that this story has reached Western Media, the poor Pharmacist that sold her the fake drugs
will be shot...Commie Medicine!
It is true there are a lot of fake, brand name labels in China but isn't that free market economics without restriction?
There was a movie in China that went viral just recently of a CML patient who was importing his own medicine from India due to the imposed costs by our Pharmaceutical industry which the vast majority of Chinese could not afford. He later became famous because he began importing the drugs for others also and probably saved many lives.
As for Communist, the only thing Communist about China is the government (totalitarian), the economy is in many ways far more Capitalist than America is today. Trust me, spent a lot of time there, my wife is Chinese.
I also know that Quality Dasatnib was manufactured in India.
And later denied:
My post was that,
This pour woman “may have died”, because of pour medicine.
It was my attempt to suggest that we, in this forum have better odds,
because of our medicinal oversight. Our stuff is better!
Laissez-faire free market Capitalism is anarchy.
Our TKI’s drugs are stratospherically over priced because
approval is expensive. In our pay to play world.
I enjoyed our talk.
For a brief moment , some time ago I thought about buying
a load of dasatnib from Alibaba.
Having it UPS to my door and never having to go to the doctor again.
Then I realized that was really stupid.
True Story...
If they shipped the order on a flying carpet, I would order the
goods, throw the order in the trash, put my wiener dog on the
flying carpet, and watch the carpet take to the skies.
All the way to China.
My wiener dog is 14years old.
She’s perfectly happy with my subordinate place in our relationship.
Romo having fun.