Hi everyone
I just had the results of my 3month PCR. Thankfully I am presenting <10% at 2.1% on Nilotinib. Usual p210 with no mutations present.
This was the test I was most anxious about as this is the test that shows it killing the BCR-ABL.
The reason for this post isn’t to gloat but to show those new to CML like me that the treatment will work. In the early days I was convinced I’d die of this even though the prognosis for most is around a 90% success rate. I had a very high white cell and platlet count, including an enourmous spleen at diagnosis it seems crazy to think to this day all my bloods are perfect, my spleen returned to normal size and now we know the disease is thankfully being killed. I also was worried I’d be one of those who don’t respond and had worried I had a mutation or the dreaded p190. Your mind loves to play tricks on you. I bought many books about the mind because I knew this would be as much a mental battle. The book that saved me was a book called “The Chimp Paradox” it’s a book that teaches you why you react and feel the way do to situations. I highly recommend. I also started daily 20 minute meditations and they’ve changed my life and made me much calmer as this process is really anxiety inducing!
I know I’ve got a way to go but staying positive, focused and taking your pills when required will get you there too.
So so grateful for TKIs and the doctors who are saving our lives.
Have a good weekend all.