Your symptoms describe pleural effusion (PE).
PE is the top side effect of dasatinib.
See your doctor to verify you have P.E. developing. Treatment usually consists of stopping dasatinib until the PE clears. Once PE is corrected, you would re-start dasatinib on a reduced dose (20 mg in your case). If PE re-occurs, you may have to change drugs.
However - there is emerging data that CML patients who do experience pleural effusions due to dasatinib also show a dramatic response to the drug treating their CML. If you can stay on dasatinib, you are likely to have a very good CML response especially on the lower dose.
From the paper linked above:
"Conclusion: The incidence of PE on dasatinib treatment is associated with advanced patient age, lymphocyte value at 1 month (especially in the CD56-positive fraction), and achievement of an early molecular response."
So - maybe having PE develop is a good thing ???
The key is PE is manageable and should be watched closely. Don't dismiss your symptoms - see your doctor. An x-ray will confirm. If you can stay on dasatinib - stay on dasatinib, but don't let your doctor keep the same dose you are on now. Insist on a lower dose and see if you continue to respond. You can always change drugs if you don't. I have a suspicion your CML is getting destroyed.