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What’s this new drug?
I know they’re currently recruiting for a phase 3 trial in the UK
There is at least a few which should be making it into early trials this year or next. One such example comes from Universities of Glasgow and Manchester:
I know of several drugs they are looking to test but they had not released the names of any of them as of the last I had heard.
I have a lot more articles I can share with other universities, hospitals and researchers which have also indicated a cure in mice for CML but the Human trials have not yet begun on any that I am aware of. From my understanding, UofG is ahead of all the others and they may be beginning their trial this year or early next. One article from 2016 indicated that they would begin this year.
I am taking part in one experimental trial and the results have been looking promising but I cannot share any more than that with you at this time.