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The Dream Clinic.

I was sleeping last night and had a a dream.
I dreamed that my clothes dryer was on fire.
In my dream my clothes dryer was in a narrow closet
that I had to enter with my fire extinguisher but was
blocked by a very tall and skinny woman that told me
“You can’t come in here!”

Then my wife woke me up and told me to “Be Quite.
Your having a nightmare.

The Skinny Girl looked exactly like that Cybogr in Mars Attack!

We love that movie.


Any other Dreams out There?
We do not live by CML alone.

I've been having crazy bizarre dreams ever since I started on 100mg Sprycel several years ago. I keep telling my Dr about it trying to get her to drop to 50 mg to see if the vivid dreaming will stop. So far no luck..


Tom S.

Hang in there Thomas. There are a few people on the US site attempting cessation after a few years of 100mg/80mg Sprycel. If you can tough it out it might be worth it. The side effects were too hard on me so I reduced dosage early but I'm not in line for cessation at the moment as PCRs have plateaued at MMR 3.5.

I had a dream that Romo returned to us when I was going through posts and saw that he had posted this on the 5th, which happens to be today.  Then the dream turned to the nightmare when I saw that the post was on September 5th and realized that Romo had not returned after all. frown