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Bumps and severe itchy scalp.

I was diagnosed aug 6. Very scary. My wbc was 18.000. ( I thought just infection somewhere). Started gleevec 2 weeks later and my wbc is already down to 14,000 after 2 weeks. Yay. My question- 2 weeks before I found out, my scalp had bumps and itching. Still does only itching dri ING me crazy. Is this normal? Should I see a dermatologist? Thank you everyone. This site helps a lot.

You’ll be fine your wbc is very low at diagnosis mine was 330!

When I started tki Nilotinib I had exactly that. Itchy scalp and sensitive and small bumps/spots over the body. They went about 3 weeks after starting. I’ve been on tki for 5 months and have no symptoms anymore. I am sure you’ll be the same.

Its a scary time for sure but you’re already responding so that’s great.

Best wishes


I had that. It was awful. I got several growths under my hair.
On my scalp. I could feel them.
Some of them shed skin all of then itched.
My hair thinned out. Not that I lost hair, my hair shaft thinned out.
I have the same amount of hair it’s just thin hair.
It also changed to a lighter color.

I was told that TKI’s attack cells with fast renew life cycles.
Hair cells fit this target.


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David - Do I recall you mentioned a new baby was expected about now?  Or did I dream that.  That could account for life getting busy, that's for sure!


Indeed. Not just one, but two! They were born extremely prematurely, so are going to live in the hospital for the next few months. But they are doing well so far.


Oh, my goodness!  Congratulations!  This must be such a stressful situation - so glad you've got 2018 state-of-the-art neonatal care - everything will work out, I'm sure, but still it must be nerve-wracking.  Best wishes all round!

 Your gonna need energy!

The power that makes everybody younger.

And your gonna get it.

It comes from the sky. It comes from the air.


I'm happy for you.

Its not from treatment tho. I got it 2 weeks prior being diagnosed. Driving me crazy

Congratulations David! How wonderful to have two new babies! Best wishes to all!

David congratulations and best wishes to all of you. A friend of mine had a very premature baby we were all very worried about some years ago. That "baby" is now doing research in animal cancer at Liverpool University. Good luck.

My scalp itch and discomfort was from treatment.
I can only tell you what I did.
I cut off all my hair. To a buzz-cut. This helped my scalp to breath.
A hair dresser friend of mine suggested that I use a Clarifying Shampoo.
This strips all oil from the hair and scalp.
It’s for oily hair.
I didn’t have oily hair. But it did give me some relief.
I do it to this day. Of course my hair looks like a ‘ Russian Winter Hat without the hat..
People ask me “What did you do to your hair?”
It’s one of those things that I gloss over in social conversation.
My scalp is not so bothersome now.


Congratulations David!! So happy for you!!

Hi I'm new to this forum and already have learned something new.  I did not realize that my bumpy itchy scalp could be due to the Sprycel that I am taking.  Thanks for the information!!!  I was diagnosed with CML  in August 2017


Hi, I dont know if this will be helpful to you, but one of my friends is using this medical herb for her illness. It is still a taboo for us, but I have read many articles about medical marijuana and how it can help you in terms of chronic pain, bone injuries, eating disorder/anorexia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, inflammation, even cancer and a lot more. Like this article about a marijuana strain from Cbd and thc are also new to me and I don't even smoke. Alternatively, they've also found new ways to infuse cannabis on food and beverages. If this is true I can't find any solid conclusive evidence that speaks to its efficacy. Any personal experience or testimonial would be highly appreciated. Thanks