Does the chronic fatigue get any better? Any suggestions. Im 58 and have been on gleevac for 30 days now. I work full time but some days( most) Im so tired . quitting my job isn't the answer or cutting back( I need the insurance). Ugh. I really try not to complain, there's so many worse off than me but this is a whole new ballgame for me.
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Chronic fatigue
Hi Mona ,the fatigue is really bad at the beginning ,I think it’s your body making you rest so you can recover and get your blood back to normal.I am 9 months in am 61 and feel a lot better now than I did ,so yes it will get better but you will still need to rest more .I feel for you having to work full time tho ,I gave up my job when the docs said my immune system would be low because I worked in a pharmacy ,all those sick people coming in I couldn’t chance getting sick myself.Now I feel much better no one is going to employ me at my age .I am in the Uk and luckily from age 60 we get free prescriptions for our medication because we have paid into the NHS all our working life .I take Vitamin D , Iron supplements, Curcumin and a probiotic drink every day.I have one cup of coffee in the morning that gets me going ,then decaf tea
the rest of the day and drink lots of water.You will have to learn to slow down a bit ,take it a bit more easy stop trying to be Wonder Woman and rest when you can.Ihope you feel better real soon,Regards ,Denise.
I was dx last year on my 40th b day and have been on tasigna for about a year, chronic fatigue has never went away yet for me.
Hi Super Woman, you have probably spent most of your life so far running around and caring for your family and everyone else, well now its time you cared for yourself a lot more and let others do a bit more for you .I know as I was once a super woman it’s hard but you are not a failure ,plenty of people will offer you help now ,you just have to learn to say “ ok yes please that would be great”. I am more Super Gran now which is a slower version but just as important haha ,Denise .
I was 58 when I started on Gleevec. The fatigue was overwhelming and never went away. After two years, I switched to Sprycel and it got noticeably and significantly better, although it's still with me. For me, it's an inexplicable and sudden sort of collapse. It's also unpredictable. I can be going along, doing my new version of Superwoman (a shadow of her former self) and suddenly I'm just really, really, really tired. I have to sit down and quit whatever I was doing. I am overcome by a desire to take a nap, but I don't dare go there. It usually means I'm completely done for that day, as the energy doesn't come back. It also manifests itself as sudden "wet sandbag legs" on the stairs or out walking up any incline. Day before? Fine. Hour before? Fine. Now? Not fine. I guess I've gotten used to it after 9 years. One thing's for sure, the doctors don't care one bit. They see Fat and Fifty and think they've got you pegged. Trust me, it's the Gleevec.
But. Exercise helps. Being outdoors helps. Attitude helps. You'll adjust. MAYBE a change in TKI down the road will help, but give Gleevec a chance to do its CML magic first. Also - and this is key - the above is valid for me, but many other people on this forum can attest to adjusting really well to Gleevec. So, simultaneously keep in your mind that what you are feeling is real and important to note, but also that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will get a boost when you see the nasty CML numbers coming down, as well. They will, and that's the most important thing to hang onto.