Three months in 50mg dasatinib, and the numbers are looking good!
19 June 23.3881%
21 July 9.5966%
07 September 0.4610%
Very excited, could be achieving MMR very soon. But my WBC counts remain low, 2.7x10^9/L, my doctor said I should be fine with this and let me remain on 50mg dasatinib. The fatigue has been less severe, with more exercise coupling healthy diets, however the headache is still annoying whenever I had not enough sleep (8-10 hours! I slept 6-8 before!).
What next? Should I be aiming to reduce the dosage to 20mg? I am still 21, and this drug is no where good for our bodies, I want to keep it as little as possible.
Good luck guys, I hope to join the MMR club soon! Godspeed.