Hi Andy,
As if you needed yet another complication. If the supplements you were taking before your diagnosis were making a difference to your overall health then keep on with them. The old chestnut of Vitamin and Mineral supplements can't work because they have not been scrutinised by randomised control trials so therefore must not work/must be dangerous/only produce expensive urine- blah blah blah- is just the usual trotted out by people (including some doctors) who do not care to take time to 'think' or research. I have taken Vitamin C at around 10 - 20 grammes per day (in divided doses) for years wth only positive effects. In fact I had a bet with my transplant doctor that I would not develop CMV recurrence (I was positive for CMV) post transplant because I continued to take high doses throughout my transplant procedure. In fact he almost bet his mortgage but was too nice to take advantage of my naivety! He said he was 99% certain that CMV (virus that many of us live with) would recur and I would need heavy duty anti-vitals post transplant. Well.... CMV never did cause me any problems and my doctor (who by the way is wonderful) was at a loss to explain why. I suggested we do a clinical trial ;o)
The point I am making here is ... you know what works for you and if you can find other ways to deal with your complicated version of psoriasis then have confidence and go ahead. To my best knowledge, no one ever died of Vitamin supplements.... but plenty have from pharmaceuticals.
Turmeric contains curcumin which is the active ingredient that many of us on this forum take are interested in. Personally I take both high dose curcumin as well as high dose Via D3 (with Vitamin K) at a dose that many would say is highly dangerous. Since I have been doing this (over 3 months) I feel so much better overall and those aches and pains that are put down to age or wear and tear have disappeared. I have recently added Serrapeptase to my daily routine and would recommend this too. All quite expensive -apart from Ascorbate (Vit C Powder) but worth every penny for me.
- 'Trimovate is a moderately potent anti-fungal, anti-bacterial steroid containing the active ingredients Clobetasone butyrate, Nystatin and Oxytetracycline. The combination of the topically active antibiotics, nystatin and oxytetracycline, provides a broad spectrum of antibacterial and anticandidal activity against many of the organisms associated with infected dermatoses. Trimovate is indicated for the treatment and management of steroid responsive dermatoses where candidal or bacterial infection is present, suspected or likely to occur and the use of a more potent topical corticosteroid is not required. These include infected eczemas, intertrigo, napkin rash, anogenital pruritius and seborrhoeic dermatitis.'....'There are reports of pigmentation changes and hypertrichosis with topical steroids. Exacerbation of symptoms may occur with extensive use.'