Anyone know how or the effects other drugs have on imanitib? Such as paracetamol and simvastatin 40mg? As I read this can be a problem.
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A little background information: I had my first heart attack (MI) at the age of 37 in July 1986, then a 4*CABG at 42 followed by 3 more MIs over the course of the next two years, as the bypasses blocked up. I have had many angiograms/angioplasty and stents fitted over the following years, but the remaining angina could not be treated by surgery, as it is too remote. I was medically retired from my career at the age of 44.
When I was first diagnosed with CML (14th June 2004) my haematologist, told me to stop taking my statin. I was taking Rosuvastatin, as it was the most effective statin for reducing the occurrence of angina at night time. He then phoned the imatinib manufacturer for any interactions, and he was asked: ‘You tell us!’
At a later date, my GP practice informed me that I was to be changed onto Simvastatin. I informed my haematologist of this, and he wrote a stinker of a letter to my GP, saying that I must stay on Rosuvastatin, because I had CML.
I have never met anyone who has similar issues, but now I tell my haematologist when a new drug is introduced. Apart from the two health problems above, I also have pernicious anaemia, hypothyroidism, arachnoiditis, bilateral sciatica and depression.
I have been on Tasigna for over 2 years and also on Simvastatin the whole time. I have not noticed any adverse reaction between these 2 medicines. Anyone here on these 2 drugs been told to go off the Simvastatin???
I have had borderline high cholesterol for 30 years and when I was on full dose Tasigna, it actually got a little worse. I am now on 25% of full dose and my cholesterol is lower than it has been in decades (chol - 152, LDL 61). Thus, I am not really sure I need the statin anymore. I have no indication of ischemia or other cardiovascular issues, but my GP says it's good for me even if I don't have a cholesterol problem, e.g. lower risk of stroke and heart attack.
I had real foot pain like walking on broken glass for 2 years some time ago. I was taking simvastatin and imatinib. I stopped the simvastatin and the pain went within 3 days. Haven't taken any statins since then.