A study sponsored by UCL School of Pharmacy in London to look into the acceptability of web-based video consultations for patients who are receiving treatment for CML at University College London Hospital (UCLH).
To help with this, we are looking for people with CML willing to take part in a focus group to help the study team understand if the opinions of UCLH patients are the same or similar to those of the wider CML patient population.
If you would be interested in giving your opinion, please check the following link
The date for taking part in the focus group has been extended to Jan/Feb 2019
- The focus group should take no longer than 90 minutes
- The focus group will run during January and February 2019
- The discussion will involve asking what your thoughts and opinions are on web-based video consultations
- You will receive a £10 Amazon voucher expenses for standard travel of up to £50 on the production of receipts (location to be confirmed)
- How do I sign up?
If you are interested in participating or want further information, please contact Ms Terry Ng, Chief Investigator for the study at Terry.Ng@ucl.ac.uk