i switched to tasigna from imatinib, two months backs as my BCR -ABL results were not going below 10% even after six months. Few months back i had observed swollen lymph nodes at right side of neck but they diminished in a month, but now they reappeared again.When i told this to my GP ,he said they will disappear like the last time and it all happen due to changing weather. My blood reports are normal but am really terrified this time as i read somewhere that it may mean that i progressed to blast stage. Is it true? Please help me?
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Lymph nodes on left side of neck
Sorry to hear this. Have you had another PDR since the switch to Tasigna - if so, what was the result. What was your blast count on your last blood test and when was this in relation to when you made the TKI switch? Did your bone marrow biopsy at Dx show any additional mutations? These are all things that I think your doc would take into account in determining if you were beyond chronic phase. If your GP doesn;t know these things, then you should be seeing a CML specialist.
Hi there
Your message struck a chord with me because I know exactly what it feels like to experience swollen lymph nodes and the terror associated with possible progression to blast phase. For what it's worth, I have posted extensively on this site about my experience with swollen lymph nodes, also at the right side of my neck, while I was on dasatinib. They just kept growing and growing - I even had a lymph node surgically removed and biopsied, and no malignancy could be found.
Eventually I convinced my doctor that I believed dasatinib was the culprit (there are a few studies about this effect on the internet) and she took me off. ALL lymph nodes returned to normal within five days and have never returned since.
I hope that this may be a side effect from the Tasigna - it's worth thinking about since these drugs interact with our signalling pathways in different ways.
Good luck!
Best wishes