I’ve been recently diagnosed with CML - not exactly the 50th birthday present I was asking for!! I was thinking more along the lines of a new car or jewellery. It was a shock out the blue as I had explained all my symptoms away as just being tired and unfit. The day before I was diagnosed I had run in a five man relay 32 km straight up a mountain to 2000m elevation and won the gold medal so it totally didn’t make sense to me at all.
Within 24 hours of giving blood (for some eye surgery I wanted to have done) I was called by the GP to tell me my WBC was 137 and my platelet count was 781. I was referred that same day to the local hospital starting hydroxyurea 100 mg pd and had a bone marrow biopsy 5 days later which confirmed moderate phase CML.....I’ve probably had it close to a year based on blood test results from August last year which showed WBC slightly above the high end of normal. After one week my WBC was down to 105 and a week after that down to 55 and my platelets down to 649 at which time they stoppped it.
i have read the forum posts on this site and realise I have been far too blasae about the whole diagnosis and treatment and the impact of following the treatment plan closely. I am now on Nilotinib and allopurinal . The Nilotinib needs to be taken on an empty stomach. I am finding it difficult to work out a time 12 hours apart 2 hours after food so have been taking it within a few hours of the 12 hour slot but see many of your comments on the forum that this is a no no and you all seem to be very regimented with the time you take it.. How do you guys work it out for you? If you are invited out for dinner which impacts of your med taking how do you get around it? My husband brings me a cup of coffee in the morning (milk no sugar) and I have been taking me meds with it. Is that ok or does that count as food?
Do any of you take supplements eg iron tablets for anaemia?
ive now been on the Nilotinib for a week and have started getting sore joints specifically my knees and calves? I’ve also been getting a lot of uppper abdominal pain after taking the allopurinal. Is it usual to get symptoms this early or is it all in my head?
My energy is an all time low and I have spent a lot of time in bed after starting the Nilotinib but I have also had a very bad bout of the flu so I am hoping this tiredness is not related to the meds. This is so not the person I normally am.
My last question relates to the Nilotinib. I read on the Phamplet that when starting it that it is recommended to have an ECG prior to treatment and another one 7 days later. My consultant did not recommend this and I am unsure whether to follow this up or not. Thoughts? Unfortunately I have very limited time with the medical professsionals as the waiting room is full of patients and if you don’t lock the door while you are seeing the specialist patients literally walk in constantly so I try to get my questions out as fast as possible.
So sorry for all the bombardment of questions but as you all started at the beginning at some stage you’re the best people in my book to ask.