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Soft stools & frequent stools every day after started Imatinib


Hi All resourceful friends,

I’ve been on Imatinib since Nov 2017 and 6 months into this medication, my PCR results is only 1.1% which is not within the standard requirements for optimal response. 

Also since started this medication, I have really frequent passing of stools. I frequent the toilet at least 2-3 times a day, with lose stools. Similar like food poisoning... 

I need some advice:

1. Am I considered a slow responder to Imatinib? I’ve tried nilotinib and body could not tolerate the adverse reaction. Am waiting for my 12 months results now...

2. Is the frequent passing of stools normal? Or does this indicate my organs aren’t functioning well? I’m steadily gaining some weight again after losing some weight when I was first diagnosed last year


thanks in advance☺️

1.1% is close enough that I wouldn't stress out too much about the whole optimal response thing.  As long as the trend continues down, you will be fine.  GI issues are fairly common with all the TKI's.  Try metamucil (psyllium fiber) for more regularity.  Good luck.


Just responding regarding what the tki s  in particular might do to your GI  (gastro intestinal) system.My experience over 12 years of imatinib is that it will result in substantially different bowel functions than one might expect from normal .I will not apologise from being possibly indelicate but please expect rather different movements in terms of toiletting and the result is a mass that is messy and not easy to deal with.At home we have a bidet and it is so useful.Often when travelling one has to be able to cope with unexpected movements and the possibility of being compromised or "cut short"- in common parlance!

Before tkis the treatment was interferon alpha and apparently that gave side effects on a constant basis of the flu as you never would have had it before and eventually the PCR would rise and that would be an indication that one was moving into accelerated or blast phase and on the way out.So tkis have long term issues but relatively mild side effects, very much leading to a manageable condition and ultimately amazing survival rates.

I wish you well with your treatment

Best wishes
