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CT scan – ok with CML or to be avoided?

Hi all. Apologies if this has been discussed before.

My husband has been a year on imatinib. He's had abdominal pain which comes and goes, but which can be very uncomfortable. Tomorrow he's due to have a CT scan on his abdomen and pelvis. However he's worried about about the effect the radiation might have on his CML... eg. will it aggravate it in some way?! Does anyone have any thoughts which might allay his fears?

Thank you! Lucy

Hi Lucy,

Your husband has nothing more to worry about having a CT scan as a CML patient than one when he didn’t have CML.

A CML patient is at no more risk than anyone else from a CT scan. A CT scanner does emit quite a lot more radiation than an x-ray, and in theory can cause genetic mutations but it is exceedingly rare.
