My husband is 40 years old and was diagnosed with CML in Jan 2018. His 9 month pCR is 0.043%. As posted previously he has had a very rough time dealing with the diagnosis.
He has been on 100mg of Sprycel since January. Initially he had some side effects including low blood counts. He has recently been having a significant amount of stomach discomfort and nausea which we learned were caused by damage to his small intestine. He has not been taking his medication (Sprycel) for 2 months (without my knowledge), however his blood counts are normal. He is an engineer and has done a lot of self research - he believes that his body has not been generating new blood for 6+ months and that he has bone marrow sinusoidal endothelium damage. He also believes that due to the small intestine damage he is not able to absorb any medicine or nutrients from food.
Please help / advise on his situation and hypothesis