I am a runner and have completed three half marathons in the last year in good pace times except for the last one. Over the last year my running had deteriorated to the point where i could only run 900m without having to stop for a rest due to severe cramping in my calves from lack of oxygen getting to the muscles. I have now been on meds for three weeks so i decided today to go out for a run with my trainer to see how i would go. I ran 2.5 km before stopping for a 30 sec rest and then completed 5km. I'm on an oxygen high.
I still spend a lot of time resting and sleeping during the day as i tend to over do things but I will not let this disease beat me and i am in control.
I had to share this on this group as you would understand most how the goal setting that we do may seem minor to others but is often a big deal when balancing life and cml.