I am having some concerns about my medical follow up since being diagnosed 29 October. I had bloods taken with high wbc 139 and platlets all over the place. Enlarged spleen and minor enlargement of liver. Had a bone marrow biopsy to confirm stage which was chronic moderate. I saw the consultant three weeks ago for the first time and then told to return three weeks later (this week) to have bloods reviewed. I was not booked to see anyone and ended up cornering a haematologist in the hallway and wouldn’t let him go until he had answered my questions. The blood work showed I have made huge progress in just one month of taking the Nilotinib and my wbc is at normal which was great news but as far as I am concerned that doesn’t mean I don’t need monitoring.
i wanted to discuss diet - no luck there
i want to know if I can come off the urea meds (can’t remember the name) which I had been told on this site would happen after a month as the initial purging of the bad cells would be complete. Was told it was my choice.
They have now arranged to see me for a blood review in mid Feb with nothing in between except to continue with Nilotinib. I thought I should be having fortnightly reviews for the first three months?
I am a bit concerned about the lack of follow up despite the good result from this recent test. Should I be more proactive or just go with the flow. Your thoughts would be appreciated.