Is this another side effect to gleevec? Stomach bloating? I have a Dr appt end of Dec with my family Dr but was wanting your thoughts on this. Thank you
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Stomach bloating
Hi there,
Gleevec or imatinib is well known for the GI-gastro intestinal issues associated with it and currently I am going through one of those episodes where it is necessary to be very careful regarding the composition of foods and liquids consumed.I find peppermint tea or camomile to be very soothing and therapeutic and also I tend to avoid caffeine for a while.It might be useful to identify the foods that tend to create the bloating or those that dont sit well with the medication.If you google anti inflammatory foods then this will give you some ideas about how to modify the diet and to see if this helps.In addition you might find that you need to assess when it is best to take the medication such as with or just after food and also with a few glasses of water.I have found that taking the drug with a high carb food like pasta or rice helps a lot to ease it through the digestive system.I would be very cautious using any ant acids or anti heartburn medication as some of the contents might interact with the tki;apparently avoid any preparation that contains aluminium hydroxide (still found in some of the older more traditional preparations) as this interacts.I use Boots heartburn relief on an occasional basis and my pharmacist has checked out the contents of as being fairly safe to take alongside Gleevec.Finally light exercise such as brisk walk might also relieve the side effects.
With best wishes
Thanks John. I guess ill find out for sure at drs visit. I have a hernia and gallbladder issues for years so maybe meds interfering with that. Im only 4 months since dx so still pretty nervous on any new pain or symptoms. Start worrying if this is another cancer popping up now. I know it may sound silly and Im working on "not overthinking".