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PCR test
Wow - way to go Dawn. I though I was fast - took me 6 months to get to <.003% PCR, which is as close to negative as you can get without being negative. I reduced dose at 5 months to 450 mg of Tasigna from 600 mg starting and then twice more over the next 6 months and my PCR has held steady at <.003%. I am now on 150 mg per day or 25% of starting dose. I had to test more often (every 6 weeks) due to the aggressive reduction timetable, but it was more than worth it in terms of reduced side effects. If I were you, I would consider a reduction to 40 or 50 and if your PCR holds, then onto 20 mg. Continued good luck and congrats.
Congratulations Dawn - you are in a very good place.
Your CML is very sensitive to sprycel and it worked brilliantly for you.
You should definitely consider lower dose so you can minimize side effects - especially side effects you don't necessarily feel. No need to tempt pleural effusion issues. Given your rapid response that would be my concern.
Tell your doctor you know of patients who take only 20 mg sprycel and are PCRU (...undetected).