I just went through the exact dental issue. Check my posts on both this site and the American L L site. Short version.i am in USA
An upper back tooth went bad. Saw excellent endodontist. Had root canal. Told there was no fracture. 8 days of amoxicillin. 2 weeks later my regular dentist was preparing tooth for a crown when she looked closely and saw a hairline fracture. Told me it had to be removed because it would become infected. My platelets were at 113. My BCR ABL at 14% I am a slow responder. All other blood work normal. Normal hemoglobin. I am well over 70.
spoke with my hematologist Oncologist. Posted on both CML web sites. Read these as several people had experienced this. Tooth was removed by dental,surgeon. Pressure gauze applied.
I did not clot and seeped blood, mostly thick gelatinous, sometime just bleeding for 8 hours. Was told to apply tea bags. After 8 hours went to a University Hospital ER. Physician applied something on gauze pressure pack to affect clotting. It worked. Week of antibiotics. Scared, exhausted, lots of pain. It did clot and 10 days later I am finally Ok.
Good thing I rejected a bone graft for a possible implant. I cannot have implants.
spoke with a physician to ask why, when I was told by everyone, that if platelets were above 50, it was Safe. Mine were 113. Physician told me that it is the speed with which the platelets work that make the difference. In the future, for any surgical procedure, they need to test my clotting time.
i think a Dental school with a clinic, if you have them, is the way to go. You need expertise for this. They may just need to test your clotting time. No one who posted to my question, a few weeks ago, had my experience. It is not just the platelets, but the clotting time.
i am OK now. The infection you have needs to be dealt with. It will keep getting infected. You need dental expertise, try a a University linked place. Keep us posted.
my thoughts are with you. gitel