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Imatinib and cardio training

I’m trying to maintain some sort of exercise regime but I’m finding it a huge struggle now to do any biking or running without being  extremely breathless when trying to increase effort levels.  Do any of you find that it’s easier to exercise before taking meds?

im taking glucosamine and curcumin to help try to alleviate the very painful lower joints any other advice available that may help?

merry Xmas all!!! 


Hi Mike
I go to the gym three times per week I do some cardio exercises but mostly weight training I find it ok if I keep it to three sessions per week if I try to do more I do find my body doesn't recovery as well I try to take rest days inbetween my days of exercises
I am on imatinib 400mg
How often do you exercise per week and for how long each time
Mike A

I have posted elsewhere on this board that I measured that I have lost a quarter to a third of my strength. At a push, I can swim for 50 minutes three days a week. I manage about 2,000 metres in an hour. I surmise that the problem is caused by the CMI rather than the TKI.

This I cannot understand!  If the CML is being stabilised and blood levels are “normal” why are there so many problems associated with the TKI and fatigue and recovery from activities taking so long?  I used to enjoy running but the pain and discomfort is causing  real problems is there any meds you can take that help reduce the joint pain?

In my case, I clearly lost my energy during the lead-up to diagnosis. I didn't know why at the time but as my white count increase, I was progressively losing energy. The TKIs in nearly six months now haven't given me back the energy that I lost.

I can only do a coupe of hard sessions a week as like you recovery takes forever now.  It a challenge most of the time actually getting in the correct frame of mind to do it as I know it’s going to be painful and uncomfortable for days after.

I actually feel worse now on meds than prior to being diagnosed.  Very disheartening ☹️

Been testing this theory about imatinib and decreases in exercise capacity again today.  Went for for bike ride today prior to taking meds and there is definitely a very noticeable improvement doing cardio based exercise before taking imatinib.  Can anyone explain why this happens and is it better to take meds at night?

I was beginning to feel it was all in my head until I read this post. I have just started to return to running aiming to complete the 10km of the muscat half marathon next month and  a half marathon in April in Vienna. Over the last month I have gone from 1 km in 7.20 mins to 5km at 6 min pace. This is very slow to my pre L life but it is what it is. My tiredness has tripled since starting Nilotinib beginning November and running and it takes me three days to recover after even a 30 minute run. I’m permanently wiped out. Last night I ran 5km and an hour afterwards I had severe pain in my right buttock. Today I can bearly weightbear on my right leg. I am assuming I have trapped the sciatic nerve which is ridiculous given I have barely run more that a warm up. It’s very disheartening given I am a very active person.

In your experience does this fatigue improve over time where I can actually get through the day without feeling like I am incredibly hung over and just wanting to go to bed.?  I have just turned 50 last month so I’m still young.

Hello Fiona 

really sorry to hear you are going through an incredibly frustrating time, I really do feel your pain!  I have gone from being able to do tempo runs at 8:30 min mile pace to now struggling to even run a mile.  

most of the most severe problems for me have now improved to a point where they are tolerable.  I have read on this and other groups that side effects do subside over time but never completely go away.

from information I have read I now take various supplements that appear to have improved my general well being.  The major improvement was from taking Calcium and magnesium, due to continually having cramp at night and when swimming. Cramps and muscle spasms are tolerable now  but have to be careful with some positions especially when stretching.

I’m also taking Iron with B vitamins

Q10 as I’ve read Imatinib affects heart

Curcumin/Glucosamine for painful leg joints

Im 6 months in and the chronic fatigue and slow recovery time after exercise are still causing problems but do appear to be improving very slowly.

i really do hope things improve for you quickly! 🤞