I was just wondering what kind of support Cml “members “ got from there employers, I’ve had Cml 4 years now, and 2 years ago when coming up to my 60th birthday I asked if it was possible to reduce my working week to 4 days instead of five telling them I felt it would help my condition with the added rest, in no uncertain terms I was refused, I have just found out the company altered other people’s contracts so they could benefit from the family credit system 12 months before my request.
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Support at work
This link gives some information on the Equality Act, which now includes the requirements of the former Disability Discrimination Act. Hope that's useful - might be worthwhile repeating the request and giving your company HR a copy of this page.
Yes unfortunately employees with disabilities whatever they might be are still discriminated against despite legislation, employment tribunals and other safeguards in place.If you have been diagnosed with cancer then this would indicate within the provisions of the Equality Act that you are classed as disabled and employers need to make provisions for the needs of the employee.Most of the larger organisations have in their HR division a specialist in occupational health whose role it is to take account of the needs of the disabled employee and to make provision for flexible working or to work at home and so on.
I had an experience 13 years ago where my HOD failed to take account of my request to return to work on a part time basis following sick leave after diagnosis-he said full time or not at all;he was taken to task by my occupational health nurse appointed by HR and he did not last long in his job as the employer did not want the hassle of an employment tribunal.To their credit I had three good sessions of psychotherapy free with a counsellor who informed me of my rights such as flexible working and asking the employer to send a taxi at their expense to bring me to work if I so wished-we have to thank the EU for such provisions within employee law I believe.
I suggest to ask your HR if they have an occupational health specialist in post and if so ask for assistance;failing that ask them if they are aware of the provisions of the Equality Act and the need to support yourself in the workplace given that you have a disability and also a diagnosis of cancer.If they are unhelpful I suggest that you seek external advice which is available free from ACAS and depending on where you live some neighbourhood law centres.
I would record all instances of bullying and discrimination and wherever possible put your requests for assistance backed up in writing in the event that it is needed as evidence in the future.If you are in mid career or relatively young it is difficult as one understandably does not want to create any "difficulties" for the future.I was in my early 60 s so took voluntary severance and retired and did well out of it-basically my HOD lost his job and had to relocate to another job overseas.
I still hear of instances where employers require employees to take their holiday leave so as to attend a hospital appointment or flagrantly flout employment law on the needs of disabled persons within their remit
I trust that this helps
Many thanks John for your informative reply, what as niggled me for the last 2 years is the fact prior to my diagnosis 4 years ago I had no intention of ever contemplating reducing, or retiring before 65, the request I made was going to financially reduce my income, the request made by my fit, able younger colleagues gained them a shorter working week and no financial loss and their request was made before mine so the head of operations new of it I found out only this week this had happened. I won’t name the company but it is one of the largest in the UK.