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Gleevec and antidepressants


Anyone on Gleevec taking Cymbalta? And at what dose? It is my understanding that Gleevec enhances the efficacy of the cymbalta. What is a safe dose ?

Did the physician who prescribed the anti depressant know you were on Gleevec?  I used to be on Gleevec, was switched to Sprycel because of resistance.  In each case, pharmacologist told me, as did Oncologist that there was an interaction with the antidepressant I was on, and I had to go off it.  It did something to the heart rythym interval. qrT or something.  When I went back on antidepressant they did an EKG before I started it and at each dose level.  Monitored me closely. I am on a low dose. People react in unique ways to antidepressants. 

short advice...ask your Oncologist and pharmacist, and prescribing Physician. Also, look it up on drug interactions on internet.  Gitel


Thanks for your response. Yes my oncologist and the pharmacist both at Sloan know I’m on it. The Gleevec does enhance the efficacy of the Cymbalta but I have not had any issues!