Hi All ,Looking for travel insurance later on in the year hopefully to have a little break in Spain ,I know us CMLers can have trouble with some companies as they don't ask the correct questions.Any recommendations please and are the costs huge .Thank you in advance ,Denise.
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Suggest you try World First as they will cover all conditions.You will have to undergo medical screening, by phone usually, and one of the questions might be if you are undergoing chemotherapy either oral or intravenous at the moment-it is a grey area as TKIs involves targeted molecular therapy and most experts would not class it as chemo.Some insurers will classify tkis as chemo though -suggest you provide information on the tki taken and the dose.
Best wishes
i used a company called All Clear and I thought they were excellent. I also managed to get reasonable quotes from age uk (I’m not old by any means) and stay sure. They all cover medical for CML. The usual high st companies either won’t cover or the cover is very poor. Don’t waste your time even trying them as it becomes very frustrating explaining everything a million times to then be told they won’t cover!
Good luck