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CBC report - Increased indirect bilirubin,Basophils and Eosnophils


Hi All,

I had my blood test today. Need your help to understand better.

Its been 6 weeks i am on nilotnib 800 mg.

My indirect bilirubin shooted to 4.8 over 6 weeks.

Cbc last week - 8th Feb
Leukocyte count : 8300
Esnophils : 3.4%
Basophills : 0.9%

Todays report
Leukocyte count : 5600
Esnophils : 5.1%
Basophills : 2.5%

Esnophils and Basophils have increased. Please suggest.

Do your test results show a number for neutrophils?

Yes, Neutrophils - 45% and lymphcytes - 43%.

My indirect bilirubin has climed up till 4.8 now.

Looking for some suggestions urgently. Pls help.

My indirect bilirubin jas spiked up to 4.8. Is it harmful?

I do not know which bilirubin units are used in your country. I suppose something else than micromoles per liter, because in these units 4,8 is pretty low 😊. I checked various units and if it is mg/dl, than it is about 85 umol/l and it is definitely a level worth investigation. I would not bother with eosinophils so much, basophils worth seeing. What is your haematologist opinion about that ? 

I just replied your question about pain under left rib cage... in context of higher bilirubin this could indicate haemolysis... But this is usually accomopanied by yellowish of eye bulbs at least. But I would not be overlooking it. 
