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Supplements interaction

Lately I discovered that I have prostate calcification so I got zinc,potassium to distroy to break the stones but I have been scared to start using the medication because of possible drug interactions with gleevec. Please does anyone know if it is safe to take those supplements as mentioned above? 



Yes, it is safe to take zinc and potassium. They are necessary mineral and electrolyte for the body. Just don't overdo supplementing with either. They do not interfere with gleevec.

(Consider adding vitamin K2 to your diet (>200 mcg). Calcification of soft tissue (organs, arteries, glands) can be a strong sign of K2 deficiency.

(see number 8))

I continue to worry about these apparent medical authorities for various vitamins and supplements. Here we have reference to a dentist who is making all sorts of unsubstantiated claims about Vitamin K2. 

Amongst the many outrageous claims is "One study on Vitamin K2 indicated that it can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 63 per cent." In the UK there are 47,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed each year and 11,000 deaths. Can we really image that Vitamin K2 could save 17,000 cases of prostate cancer each year?

I am also concerned about the many other unsubstantiated claims, e.g. reduces ageing, prevents cancer, fixes diabetes.


Do your own online research on vitamin K2.

It's benefit is in calcium mobilization from soft tissue to bone. This is well known. Other claims regarding cancer and K2 are not well established. Only a clinical trial can be definitive (and even then, still difficult).

Thanks a lot for your advice. Would do exactly that.