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Results on bone marrow 3 months on Bosulif 300mg

PCR 0.0595%.  My doctor called this MR 3.  MR 3 are numbers that are <0.11%.  She thinks I will be at MR 4 in 3 months time which is at least <0.011%.  The next goal will be MR 4 at <0.00321 then what we all are striving for CMR 0 undetectable.  She explained it generally takes 1-2 years to achieve MR 4 then I believe she said another 1-2 years for the undetectable.  She went on to discuss the time that people that want to go off their TKI and the success of this.  I feel I have reached a huge hurdle and for the first time a bit relaxed.  That was my last bone marrow!  Early days still yet.



Hi Stephanie

These are really good results - you should be feeling a bit more relaxed.

Just in case you want to make sure you understand the MR3, MR4 etc, there is a good explanation on this link. Prof Clarke also goes through this near the start of his talk on the Destiny trial at the patient day (link to the recordings is on the home page of this site). I have found his analogies of rugby balls and walnuts useful in explaining this stuff to people unfamiliar with our condition.

Thanks guys!  I will look at that link Ala.  She did explain that each step takes longer because you are lowering such a small number, then even smaller and so on.

