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Should i be worried???


My boyfriend had got the result on April 2019

PCR: 0.017% ( Dec 2018 Undetected) :( Should i be worried? What should we do?

Red blood cells: 4.01

hemoglobin: 127

Recently got headache and dizzy quite alot

He has been on Imatinib 400 since May 2018.

Don't worry about the PCR. The difference between undetected and  0.017% is completely unimportant, and more to do with the repeatability of the test process than your blood. I can't remember normal levels for RBC and Haemoglobin off the top of my head sorry. 

Thanks AlastairC

the bone marrow report shows that the cells are very very poor (including red blood cell type, WBC type, platelets type) and no blast.

Is this related to aplastic anemia? Has any one suffered this?

Here's our page on blood counts, and normal ranges. There's a table outlining the expected ranges for each cell type.