I just received my 3 month qPCR test result. It shows a BCR-ABL level of 12.7%.
Also, my blood values are a bit low: Thrombocytes at 98 (should be 145-348), Neutrofilia at 1.5 (should be 1.7-8.0), total white (LPK) at 3.2 (should be 3.5-8.8). Hemaglobin is ok at 140.
I started on Imatinib 26/1. Test was made exactly three months later on 26/4. I had a break for two weeks in the beginning because my Throbosytes crasched down to 22 (now stable around 100).
My doctor wants me to continue with imatinib for the time being. Although as I understand it the qPCR by now should be < 10%.
Is 12.7 % BCR-ABL ”close enough”? Or should I demand to get a second generation TKI? Any reason to worry about the low Thrombocytes?