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problems after switching from imatinimb to nilotinib

After 4 and half years on imatinib i switch to nilotinib because intolerability(loud tinitus). Imatinib did a good job for my, BCR-ABL 0.05 in december 2017, in february started with nilotinib 600 mg/day,  after 3 months my WBC it was rising from 6,4 to 9,98, and yesterday after almost 4 months WBC counts 13,3, i am very scared, i will call my oncologist tomorow.

It's possible nilotinib to not work for my??i'm thinking to mutation..


WBC increase could be something other than a loss of response to the TKI.  When was your last BCR-ABL PCR test and what was the result? 

Hi, If I understand the timelines correctly, the (very good)  BCR-ABL of 0.05 in December is before you changed from imatinib? Is that right? If you have not had a BCR-ABL done since the change I think you need to push your oncologist to get one done soon. There may well be other reasons for the WBC rise. I would have expected a consultant to want to check BCR-ABL one month after the change.  

Your oncologist will probably want you to have another PCR asap.  Try not to worry too much.  Nilotinib handles many more of the known kinase domain mutations than does imatinib so that's not likely. Keep us posted

Hello Alastair, you understand corectly, i changed from imatinib to tasigna in february 2018, i am on tasigna about 3 months and 6 days.After my intervention from today my oncolgist decided to schedule my for bcr-abl test. And in february, approximate 17 days, i took half doze of imatinib until tasigna arrived.

    In 4 months with tasigna my WBC are in normal range after all ( 8,9) and BCR ABL rezult decreased from 0,055 to 0,011. My oncolgist said its acceptable, our taget its undetectable.Tasigna its very god drog for my, without side effects so farr, maybe a mild constipation.

Thank you for your suport.

That is an excellent result. Congratulations!

Don’t suffer with constipation, it’s miserable. Use bisocodyl if you really need, or something more natural like senna. If it really is mild, try prunes - they really work!


Irish oatmeal and other high fiber foods work wonderfully. Be sure the oatmeal is long cooking. I make a quart at a time, refrigerate it and reheat each morning. Love it and it works. I am in the US

Gitel, I have oat in sud europe, butt its not irish, i will try.

David, senna sounds finne for my.

Lately i do a lot of sport in the morning (after first tasigna dose), like runnig and weight lifting, my question is safe for my to take some supliments for athletes??( like creatine monohidrate and proteins). 

I can’t say about creatine, but my doctor was totally fine with me taking whey protein shakes after the gym.
