Very scared any similar stories with positive outcomes appreciated. Blood retest and BMB scheduled for Tuesday.
Positive for BCR-ABL1 fusion transcript p210
BCR-ABL1/ABL1 (IS%):0.336%
BCR-ABL1 copies per 1000 ABL1 Copies:2.09
Very scared any similar stories with positive outcomes appreciated. Blood retest and BMB scheduled for Tuesday.
Positive for BCR-ABL1 fusion transcript p210
BCR-ABL1/ABL1 (IS%):0.336%
BCR-ABL1 copies per 1000 ABL1 Copies:2.09
Diagnosed Age: 28
Diagnosed Date: Oct-20-2015
0-27 Months Rx: Sprycel 100mg
Current Rx: Sprycel 50mg
0 Month PCR = 87%
3 Month PCR = 1.2%
6 Month PCR = 0.64%
9 Month PCR = 0.26%
12 Month PCR = 0.21%
15 Month PCR = 0.15%
18 Month PCR = 0.11%
21 Month PCR = 0.05%
24 Month PCR = 0.04%
27 Month PCR = 0.01%
28 Month PCR = 0.04% (after decreasing dose to 50mg)
29 Month PCR = 0.03%
32 Month PCR = 0.33% (very scared )
Hi John
I know you are very anxious and this trend upward is not what you wanted. There is nothing I can say that will make you feel less anxious but remember CML is slow and 0.33 is still a really low level. You have time and lots of options on your time.
And definitely don't feel guilty for trying to reduce your dosage - you had good reasons and its worth a try for sure.
i think you need to find some ways to reduce your anxiety levels though as that isn't good for your health. I wish your life allowed a dog but maybe book some massages, go hiking, anything that gives you a mental and physical break from this disease. I do think that is really important .
Best wishes Louise
I would wager that the 0.33 reading is an error - probably lab reporting error. The fact your previous result was 0.03 suggests a decimal place mistake or they mixed up another persons result with yours.
Definitely get retested and that will be definitive. Also - when your new test comes back even lower than the last correct test, you should delete this current result (that's how confident I am it is an error). It should never show up in your history.
I would not change anything (stay on your current reduced dose) until after the re-test. You have plenty of time. You are going to be fine. I hate when labs do this.
Take a look at what they are learning about Sprycel:
Lower dose, it seems, contrary to intuition may actually be MORE effective than the original starting dose. I am fairly certain the lab screwed up (could even be another persons results!!). After the re-test, let us know. I bet you are just fine.
(I started at 20 mg Sprycel when my PCR was 55.0%. My PCR plummeted on this dose. I am PCRU today)
I’m with Scuba on this one ... I suspect this could be a clerical error. It’s happened to many of us, including me, before.
Once, I had an inexplicably undetectable result when my PCR was still quite high. I’m certain it was just someone else’s blood that went into the machine. Typing errors can occur etc. All the same, are they going to re-test soon?
Thanks for your reply, I go back Tuesday for repeat PCR and BMB. In your opinion if my PCR is really around .3 could this just be from my dose reduction and going back to 100 works get me back under .1?
I have a retest PCR and BMB and Tuesday.
In my opinion your reduction to 50 mg had nothing to do with it. Did you note the article I linked ..... there is evidence that 100 mg leads to a worse outcome than 50 mg. Dr. Cortes at M.D. Anderson prescribes 50 mg starting dose. In my case, he started me at 20 mg.
Your "0.3" reading is erroneous. It is not real. No way you would lose 1 log response at half dose in such a short time. You would not lose 1 log response even if you stopped taking a TKI all together (at your 0.03 level). CML is a SLOW disease when in the chronic phase. Many women can now start a pregnancy and get through nine months without a TKI while their PCR slowly rises (new protocol).
I know this is nerve wracking and scary. But know that others have gone through this and have had erroneous results. It is unfortunately too common. The lab techs are swamped. Error is easier than we think. It will be corrected at next test. And you will be lower than you were before and on 50 mg.
John, I hope it useful for me to add to what others have said that this result is suspect at best, and not worth worrying about until re-confirmed. As Scuba has pointed out if you had stopped taking any TKI the loss of 1 log between your last two tests would still be highly unlikely. As I have said in the new thread I just started most of us old timers (12 years just past for me) have had blips in results at some point - and we are all still here - and the majority are still on our original medication.
Thanks for your reply, I’m just trying to prepare myself for the worse that this is a real result, that it’s not a death sentence. I see a post from the lls forum of a case of someone going on a reduced dose a tasigna for month and going from .004 to .24 which would be even a larger jump than mine.
Got some great news today (finally) just 17 days back on 100mg and my PCR results are .19%. Apparently for one reason or another I still need 100mg Sprycel to control my CML. Based on my research it could be my bodies ability to absorb it or it could be my disease biology. Either way I could not be happier. It seems very rare that people do not continue to maintain MMR after a Sprycel dose reduction, I actually could not find a single case of it happening which scared the living sh** out of me thinking something much worse was going on. I hope my experience might help someone in the future if they come across it when they are in a similar situation. I hope it doesn't scare anyone from trying a dose reduction as I am certainly a very rare case. I will try dose reduction again in the future but will wait till I am .00X for some time.
All my amateur research tells me that the younger you
are with CML the more robust the CML is.
The therapy will work in you it just takes longer.
If a person is 80 and get the CML the therapy works fast
but that person is 80, and the therapy is harder to endure.
Your young John, you need full dose until that time when
your CML is exhausted. Your healthy, your body is strong.
Take the full dose beat that devil down and as time goes by
reduce the dose. I believe that you will live when they find a cure.
After another 30 days back on 100mg and another PCR which now shows .09, continuing downward, I could not be happier. Looks like my does reduction was most certainly the culprit of my 10 fold PCR increase confirmed by 60 days back on 100mg with 2 PCR tests showing a solid trend back down. On 50mg I slowly then eventually more quickly trended up. Guess I will be stuck in the 100mg club for a while.
Diagnosed Age: 28
Diagnosed Date: Oct-20-2015
Current Rx: Sprycel 100mg
0 Month PCR = 87%
3 Month PCR = 1.2%
6 Month PCR = 0.64%
9 Month PCR = 0.26%
12 Month PCR = 0.21%
15 Month PCR = 0.15%
18 Month PCR = 0.11%
21 Month PCR = 0.05%
24 Month PCR = 0.04%
27 Month PCR = 0.01% (started dose reduction to 50mg)
28 Month PCR = 0.04% (after decreasing dose to 50mg)
29 Month PCR = 0.03%
32 Month PCR = 0.33% (started dose back to 100mg)
33 Month PCR = 0.19% (after increasing does back to 100mg)
34 Month PCR = 0.09%
It does seem 100 mg is your threshold necessary to trend CML downward below MMR (which you have regained).
Hopefully you will get to try reduction again. A working theory is that CML stem cells burn themselves out over time. In order for the disease to re-start following cessation, for example, CML stem cells have to come out of quiescence and divide. Without TKI around - they re-start the disease. Perhaps you need a few more years of Sprycel to knock this population down.
(Another way to speed this up may be fasting (at least 3 days at a time) which upon re-feeding rejuvenates the immune system:
John - Do you recall if you ever experienced myelosuppression when you started Sprycel at 100 mg?
I ask because there is data suggesting that those who experience myelosuppression (in my case it was severe), require much lower dose of Sprycel as their "threshold" level.
In my case I have never had myelosuppression. My platelets dropped slightly below 140 on a few occasions however I do no not think that would be considered myelosuppression. I think this might be true too where in less myelosuppression tends to = less effect on PCR. I also think based on my own amature research that younger people (18-40) require higher doses and sometimes more potent third gen TKIs than older folks (40+). I once read an article that said younger folks are less likely to hit milestones but their overall survival rate is similar to whole of the general CML population. Seems this would correlate to the above.
Glad you are back on track John!
Paul started back on 70 mg last night. He was already experiencing myelosuppression on 50mg, so I am going to be anxious to see how it goes.
Another test and still trending downward back on 100mg, very happy. I am back down to 0.03%, maybe I wont ever be PCRU or be able to be on a reduced dose but as long as I am alive I am happy with that!
Diagnosed Age: 28
Diagnosed Date: Oct-20-2015
Current Rx: Sprycel 100mg
0 Month PCR = 87%
3 Month PCR = 1.2%
6 Month PCR = 0.64%
9 Month PCR = 0.26%
12 Month PCR = 0.21%
15 Month PCR = 0.15%
18 Month PCR = 0.11%
21 Month PCR = 0.05%
24 Month PCR = 0.04%
27 Month PCR = 0.01% (started dose reduction to 50mg)
28 Month PCR = 0.04% (after decreasing dose to 50mg)
29 Month PCR = 0.03%
32 Month PCR = 0.33% (started dose back to 100mg)
33 Month PCR = 0.19% (after increasing does back to 100mg)
34 Month PCR = 0.09%
37 Month PCR = 0.03%
Fantastic news about your BCR ABL levels John! Thanks so much for posting about your experience and including your history too.
I think a lot of younger folk need a higher dose. I'm 51 so probably in the middle of the age range I guess.
My BCR ABL levels have been plateauing at MMR 3.5 on 50mg Sprycel for a couple of years now and may even be rising on that dose. I get my next blood test on Monday.
Will keep everyone updated too.
CML diagnosed April 2016
Initial WBC 90 000 Blasts 2%
Type One Diabetes diagnosed April 1980 (age 12)
46.77 April 2016
3.568 July 2016
0.076 Oct 2016
0.016 Feb 2017
0.0079 April 2017
0.014 July 2017
0.019 Sept 2017
0.011 Nov 2017
0.019 Jan 2018
0.0093 Apr 2018
0.022 July 2018
100mg First 5 months (29 April 2016 - 22 September 2016)
75mg Sixth month (23 September 2016 - 28 October 2016)
50mg After six months of Sprycel (October 29 2016 to present)